October Country: a masterclass with Donal Mosher and Michael Palmieri - Scottish Documentary Institute

October Country: a masterclass with Donal Mosher and Michael Palmieri

Join us forĀ our final masterclass in 2010 including the Scottish premiere of the award winning October Country by Mike Palmieri & Donal Mosher.

We are delighted to welcome Mike and Donal to winterly Edinburgh. We saw this film at Sheffield last year and it blew us away!
A unique opportunity to hear in depth about the making of the film via a collaborative approach between the co-directors.

Every family has its ghosts. The Mosher family has more than most. Shot over a year from one Halloween to the next, the film creates a stunning cinematic portrait of a family who are unique but also sadly representative of the struggles of America’s working class.

Here’s a nice review by Ray Pride at New City Film. “More than earns the comparisons that have been made to Grey Gardens with the substantial gift of a lyrical visual style.”

We’re screening the film in Dumfries (RBT) on the 9th (6pm), Edinburgh (ECA) on 10th (2pm) – followed by a masterclass & in Glasgow (GFT) on the 11th (6pm) – followed by a Q&A.

To rsvp for our ECA masterclass/screening email f.cosquer@eca.ac.uk
Tickets for Dumfries and Glasgow from the venues: Robert Burns Theatre & Glasgow Film Theatre

And for more info on the film: www.octobercountryfilm.com